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Month: January 2021

5 tips for including deaf or hard of hearing people in conversations

For deaf and hard of hearing people, social events, general office chit-chat and conversation and networking events can mean feeling left out, everyone around you seems to be enjoying themselves and engaging in conversations. Here is my list of tips to help stop this from happening and to help others…

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Make your phone calls deaf-friendly by holding more video calls

You may have having more meetings via Zoom or Teams, but are you also having more video calls when having one-on-one calls? If you are great. If not, why not start having more video-calls instead of just picking up the phone and dialling the number. Why not use Zoom, Teams,…

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Meditation & Mindfulness: Guided Meditation Transcript

At work we have a lot of “mindfulness” and meditation sessions both in person (pre-pandemic) and online. I find these sessions incredibly frustrating as you are encouraged to close your eyes and of course once I close my eyes, I can’t hear what is being said. If I keep my…

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